Staying ahead of the game

Victoire Bronner

Rubel & Ménasché is notable for its commitment to solutions that respect the environment and human values. The Maison firmly believes in transparency and strives to promote and share best practices in the profession, so that we can move towards a sustainable future together.

To achieve this vision, it has invested significant human and financial resources. Setting up a CSR governance structure is the cornerstone of its strategy, enabling it to implement concrete and ambitious initiatives that reflect its dedication.

You can read about some of the company’s significant achievements and projects in its impact report.

Rubel & Ménasché has launched an innovative project to trace melee diamonds in partnership with Sarine Technologies and iTraceiT. This groundbreaking project aims to establish a new standard in the profession and strengthen transparency and confidence within the diamond industry. At the same time, the Maison has concentrated its manufacturing in India to a restricted number of partners, including some long-standing companies with privileged access to the main mining sources. These bonds of trust enable it to meet its strict traceability requirements, guaranteeing the authenticity and origin of its diamonds from the mine to the finished piece of jewelry.

Rubel & Ménasché has made an active commitment to the climate and biodiversity. Since 2022, it has been assessing its carbon footprint annually and investing in carbon capture projects to offset its emissions. In addition, it is building awareness among its employees and partners of the best environmental practices, integrating them into the heart of its business and sharing them across its entire value chain. This proactive approach aims to reduce the ecological footprint of its business and promote sustainability within the jewelry industry.

Rubel & Ménasché strives to be exemplary in the social sector, going above and beyond current regulations. It places particular emphasis on parental leave, promoting equal opportunities and providing personalized support through training. Stephan Wolzok, the company’s chairman, defends the role of people in the workplace and the right to fulfilling work as fundamental values. Paying special attention to its employees creates an inclusive and enriching working environment that encourages everyone to have a healthy work-life balance.

As holder of the Living Heritage Company (EPV) certification label for 10 years, Rubel & Ménasché is committed to showcasing and promoting its different trades. The company plays an active role on the boards and working groups of the UFBJOP (Union Française de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie, des Pierres & des Perles) and the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030 (WJI 2030), addressing crucial issues such as climate, biodiversity and inclusion/equality. These commitments testify to its determination to remain at the forefront of innovation and excellence in its field.

Rubel & Ménasché does not just follow conventions. It asserts its ambition to explore new ground and continuously push back the frontiers of excellence and sustainability. Its commitment to providing excellent customer service and credibility as a responsible player are key to this approach. Through its bold initiatives and innovative practices, it is striving to be a driving force in the jewelry industry.

Read the impact report HERE