Alrosa unearths two large diamonds


Alrosa discovered two extraordinarily large rough diamonds this month at its processing plants in the Russian republic of Yakutia, the company reported.

On July 18, a diamond weighing almost 110 carats was recovered at Processing Plant No. 3 of Alrosa’s Mirny Mining and Processing Division in Yakutia in the Russian Far East, the miner said. Two days earlier, a 75-carat rough diamond was recovered at Processing Plant No. 14 of the Aikhal Mining and Processing Division in Yakutia.

Both diamonds have been initially assessed as being of gem quality, Alrosa noted. They are octahedron crystals with small inclusions, one of them with a straw-yellow tint.

Within the next few days, the diamonds will be sent to Alrosa’s diamond sorting center, where they will be studied and assigned a special passport. Alrosa said it may decide to name the diamonds to mark two anniversaries celebrated by the company — 60 years of diamond mining in Russia, and 25 years of Alrosa.


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Source Rapaport