De Beers Group to consider investments in start-ups

Albert Robinson

The De Beers Group has announced the creation of De Beers Ventures to actively consider the acquisition of minority equity stakes in start-ups and growth companies.

The new initiative will consider small investments in areas that may include downstream distribution, consumer brands, marketing platforms, security, cutting and polishing, and imaging technologies. The objectives of the investments will be to generate returns that are both strategic and financial.

Tom Montgomery, Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, De Beers Group, said: “Not all good ideas can be generated or executed by a large corporation. We believe that harnessing the energy of entrepreneurs to pursue strategic opportunities that benefit De Beers and the diamond industry can be a cost-effective, risk-reduced way to pursue innovation.

Entrepreneurs can submit their business plans and proposals to De Beers via

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Source Idexonline

De Beers Group pourrait envisager d’investir dans des start-up

Albert Robinson

De Beers Group a annoncé la création de De Beers Ventures, dont l’objectif est d’envisager sérieusement l’acquisition de participations minoritaires dans des start-up et des sociétés en développement.[:] (more…)